Silverdale Village Players

We are an amateur dramatics society based in the village of Silverdale, near Lancaster in the north west of England.

Our aims are quite simple: firstly to provide high-quality, locally-based entertainment for the people of the village and surrounding areas and secondly to enjoy ourselves doing so!

The aim of this site is to tell you more about us, the productions we stage and the productions we have staged.

Perhaps you would like to join in? Whether you're interested in treading the boards, working the sound and lighting or prefer to try your hand at painting scenery, new members are always welcome! Just come along to one of our events or email us.


Our next show will be:

... but while you are waiting, why not read all about our recent success at the 2024 National Operatic and Dramatic Associatoin (NODA) District 11 Awards on our Media Coverage and Reviews page!












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Well Done!

We are pleased to announce that Silverdale Village Players' performances of 'A Bunch of Amateurs' and 'The Snow Queen' have won no less than 10 prestigious National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) District 11 Awards. Read more on our Media Coverage and Reviews Page. 


Our next performance will be an evening of short comedy plays on 4 and 5 April 2025 - "Miscommunication" written by Rachael Shone.

Tickets on sale from 15 March 2025.


If you would like to join us in any capacity, we always welcome new members either on the stage, back stage or front of house. If you are interested in becoming a member of the players, please get in touch through our Contact Us page


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